The activity conducted is ITN distribution Campaign in Nguru LGA. Advocacy visits to relevant stakeholders across the LGA was conducted with the aim to sensitize the community of the upcoming ITN Mass campaign, which will cut across all the wards in Nguru LGA as well as all the communities. Orientation session was also conducted by sensitizing community leaders, traditional/religious leaders, union Leaders and their members, school health coordinators on the importance of ITN mass campaign.

HI Team during ITN Flag off campaign
Advocacy was conducted by identifying the relevant stakeholders across Nguru LGA. These stakeholders are LGA chairman, community leaders, religious leaders, union leaders, school health coordinators and so on. The advocacy was conducted by visiting these stakeholders at their respective offices and settlements. The aim of the advocacy is to enlighten community members, about the on-going ITN mass campaign and how to dessiminate the key messages to their community members and subjects. However, some community leaders who live in hard to reach areas were contacted via phone and Jingles. The key messages were passes to relevant stakeholders

The orientation session was conducted alongside community leaders and their members, traditional/religious leaders, Union leaders and their members and school health coordinators. The aim of the orientation is to sensitize the community on the ITN mass campaign and how the community can give the distribution team their maximum support for a successful campaign. The orientation session will give a wider coverage in terms of sensitization to various wards and communities across the LGA

Orientation session of NARTO Union Leaders
Sensiization session :
- A total of 5,731 students were sensitized during the ITN Mass campaign period for the pre, during and post campaign after conducting 34 SBC sessions
- A total of 11,404 community based members were reached through sensitization directly and indirectly after conducting 71 SBC activities
- A total of 4,965 persons were sensitized at Motor parks and union members after conducting a total of after conducting 103 SBC activities.
- A total of 65 communities were reached through street/town announcement.

Nguru LGA Chairman during the Flag off Event

Town announcement during ITN Campaign
- Some communities in rural areas were hard to reach due to flood and poor road network; however, messages were reached via Jingles and Town criers.
- Schools were not in session, as such difficult to reach out to most private and secondary schools students across the LGA
Success stories:
Hope interactive recorded tremendous successes during the ITN Mass campaign. All the activities were conducted successfully with all the accessible areas reached with advocacy, orientation and sensitization sessions. Malaria Consortium dubbed Hope interactive as the best performing implementing partner for the ITN campaign, 2022.

Orientation session with Traditional leaders
The activity conducted is ITN distribution Campaign in Nguru LGA. Advocacy visits to relevant stakeholders across the LGA was conducted with the aim to sensitize the community of the upcoming ITN Mass campaign, which will cut across all the wards in Nguru LGA as well as all the communities. Orientation session was also conducted by sensitizing community leaders, traditional/religious leaders, union Leaders and their members, school health coordinators on the importance of ITN mass campaign.
HI Team during ITN Flag off campaign
Advocacy was conducted by identifying the relevant stakeholders across Nguru LGA. These stakeholders are LGA chairman, community leaders, religious leaders, union leaders, school health coordinators and so on. The advocacy was conducted by visiting these stakeholders at their respective offices and settlements. The aim of the advocacy is to enlighten community members, about the on-going ITN mass campaign and how to dessiminate the key messages to their community members and subjects. However, some community leaders who live in hard to reach areas were contacted via phone and Jingles. The key messages were passes to relevant stakeholders
The orientation session was conducted alongside community leaders and their members, traditional/religious leaders, Union leaders and their members and school health coordinators. The aim of the orientation is to sensitize the community on the ITN mass campaign and how the community can give the distribution team their maximum support for a successful campaign. The orientation session will give a wider coverage in terms of sensitization to various wards and communities across the LGA
Orientation session of NARTO Union Leaders
Sensiization session :
Nguru LGA Chairman during the Flag off Event
Town announcement during ITN Campaign
Success stories:
Hope interactive recorded tremendous successes during the ITN Mass campaign. All the activities were conducted successfully with all the accessible areas reached with advocacy, orientation and sensitization sessions. Malaria Consortium dubbed Hope interactive as the best performing implementing partner for the ITN campaign, 2022.
Orientation session with Traditional leaders