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Hope Interactive is a broad based Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) that has been in existence since 2001. It is an award winning organization popularly known with the acronym (HI) and works primarily at national level and undertake grass root community work in the following areas
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    God bestowed on man the capacity to help the living beings. It is not only our capability but it is our responsibility too. Helping others is the best of the human Dharma. If one bird gets trapped, many birds flock around it and attract the attention of others so that the trapped bird may be released and saved.
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      Article by Mercy Isaac Kwoseh and Mshelia Birma

      In today’s world, the pursuit of security, public safety, and peacebuilding has become paramount. As communities grow and evolve, the challenges associated with ensuring the safety and well-being of citizens also increase. In this context, Hope Interactive has/is playing a critical role, not only in responding to immediate safety concerns but also in laying the groundwork for long-term peace and security.

      The Importance of Public Safety and Peace building.
      Public safety is the foundation upon which prosperous and peaceful communities are built. It encompasses a wide range of activities aimed at protecting citizens from crime, accidents, diseases and other threats. Effective public safety measures not only prevent harm but also foster a sense of security that is essential for social and economic development.

      Peace building on the other hand, goes beyond the immediate prevention of conflict or harm. It involves creating conditions that reduce the likelihood of violence and promote harmony within communities. This includes addressing underlying issues such as poverty, inequality, and social injustice, which are often at the root of conflict.

      The role Hope interactive has played in public safety cuts across highway public safety, control of disease outbreak, flood etc. However, this article focuses specially on highway public safety. So many communities in Nigeria in recent times have adopted violent and mob action against drivers that knock down their community members. As a matter of fact, drivers have not just been lynched for killing humans in road traffic accident/crash, but also for knocking down animals. In many cases, the mob attacks the police station where the driver is in custody, kill the driver and sometimes burn down the police station, ultimately stirring unrest like bush fire whose end cannot be predicted. From such actions, criminal elements have used the window of opportunity to break into people’s shops, houses, offices and business sites. In the absence of speed breakers, some communities have resorted to the use of heavy tree trunks or log of woods to slow down vehicles on high ways (especially linear settlements by the road side) to prevent over speeding and hence accident. This has resulted into skirmishes between community members and drivers of heavy duty vehicles like trailers who find it difficult to navigate the tree trunks because of their proximity. Sometimes, because these tree trunks are not official and do not have lights or reflectors, drivers run into them at night causing serious accidents that have claimed lives. Hope Interactive has staged a couple of dialogues in communities to ensure such developments don’t escalate into a broader conflict and also sensitizing people to choose the path of peace, tolerance, non-violent communication and dialogue rather than conflict. Helping people see that dialogue is not a debate, monologue or a decision making site and that constructive engagement has proved to be more fruitful than any form of escalation has been an exceedingly great approach.

      Public Safety Initiatives of Hope Interactive (HI)
      (1) Hope Interactive (HI) has distinguished itself as a leader in public safety through its various initiatives and collaborations. One of the organization’s key areas of involvement is in the Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) Special Marshal Volunteer program. This initiative harnesses the power of volunteerism to enhance road safety across Nigeria. By participating in this program, Hope Interactives contributes to the reduction of road accidents and the promotion of safe driving practices.

      (2) Another significant contribution by Hope Interactives is its active involvement in the “Ember Months” campaign. Hope Interactive has either fully funded or supported the ember months’ campaign at the Yobe state command and at the Dogon Kuka unit (RS12.3) in Damagum. The Ember Months, which span from September to December, are often marked by a higher incidence of road crashes due to: (a) increased travel and festivities. (b) Increase in number of vehicles on the road due to the high demand connecting to the festivities. Even in the development/humanitarian sector, most organizations trying to wrap up activities for the year increase the rate of project implementation and monitoring to meet up with project deadlines, knowing well that all projects are time bound. Some mega religious bodies or denominations/sects host their annual programs in the ember months, which require travelling. (c) Most people in urban areas utilize the ember months especially December to visit family and well-wishers in rural areas. (d) The high demand for journeys has created a sense of urgency to swiftly get to their destination and return for quick turn over.

      Understanding the critical need for heightened safety awareness during this period, Hope Interactive has taken on some level of financial responsibility of financing campaigns aimed at educating the public on safe driving practices through the national union of road transport workers (NURTW). These campaigns are essential in curbing the spike in accidents and ensuring that the festive season is celebrated with minimal tragic incidents.

      (3) In addition to these efforts, Hope Interactives has also been proactive in addressing specific safety hazards on the roads. Hope Interactive worked with its youth network known as the youth peace platform, which has a club known as the emergency, environmental and early warning club, whose bi-weekly outreaches identified certain places where road traffic accidents/crashes have been recurrent especially in the night. Reflectors were fixed at checkpoints. A new round about that drivers especially those that have not followed that path for some time mostly crash into and other accident-prone areas. Reflectors play a vital role in enhancing visibility, especially at night, and can be the difference between life and death for road users. By identifying key areas where accidents are frequent and ensuring that these spots are well-marked with reflectors, Hope Interactives significantly contributes to reducing road traffic incidents.
      (4) Hope Interactive have also sought to enhance public safety on highways by providing a 5-day capacity building for about 120 youths in cardio-pulmonary resuscitation and first aid (CPR-FA) with a practical (simulation session) in Damaturu, Fune and Potiskum LGA’s of Yobe state.

      This capacity building was conducted by the Red Cross and has provided the youths with basic skills to promote public safety, support community as first responders and ultimately become productive members of the society.
      5. Hope Interactive has also supported the FRSC with office stationaries like pen and papers for printing to aid office work.

      6. Hope Interactive has regularly been part of capacity building organized by FRSC to ensure that special marshals are well equipped with up to date knowledge on public safety

      (7) Sensitization on radio: Hope Interactive have also used the radio to sensitize the public on public safety to ensure the message gets to people at the grassroots or remote communities.

      The activities of Hope Interactives in public safety are not just about preventing accidents; they are part of a larger peacebuilding strategy. By creating safer roads, the organization helps to build trust within communities and between citizens and the state. Safe roads mean fewer conflicts arising from road incidents, a reduction in the stress and anxiety associated with travel, and a general improvement in the quality of life.

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