Locate Us No.261, Jerusalem, Yobe State
Hope Interactive is a broad based Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) that has been in existence since 2001. It is an award winning organization popularly known with the acronym (HI) and works primarily at national level and undertake grass root community work in the following areas
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    God bestowed on man the capacity to help the living beings. It is not only our capability but it is our responsibility too. Helping others is the best of the human Dharma. If one bird gets trapped, many birds flock around it and attract the attention of others so that the trapped bird may be released and saved.
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      Activity report – REYS project 2023 – zone ‘B’



      Revamping Education in Yobe State (REYS)


      Our vision amongst others is to promote educational recovery in stable conditions and with dignity by improving the quality of education through creation of a conducive and safe environment for learning for both school children and teachers in Yobe state, northeast of Nigeria.


      We are committed to the provision of an innovative and holistic approach to stabilize and dignify education through support and re-structuring of learning environments in Yobe state.


      • To provide vulnerable children the fundamental right of qualitative and inclusive education, training and to restore dignity and meaning to the education of vulnerable children and working environment for teachers in the state.
      • To facilitate a special niche for girl child education in Yobe education trust fund (YETF) and to promote proactive quality and accountability initiatives in Yobe state’s emergency education intervention during its recovery stage.
      • To support teachers and students wellbeing in the post-conflict educational reforms/revamp in Yobe.
      • To provide psychosocial support (PSS) for vulnerable children (Pupils and students) and capacity building for teachers impacted by insurgency and natural disasters.
      • To create a platform for documenting, fostering and adoption of children bereaved as a result of insurgency so they can be enrolled and have access quality education.
      • To build capacity of pupils/students, teachers, community stakeholders and government officials for child protection, school safety and security.



      (PHASE 1): This project has a target of reaching out to 100 schools in the three zones of the state (Zone A= 40 schools, Zone B=35 schools.  & Zone C=25 schools). The project determined to reach out to 200 students/pupils in every school, giving a total of 20,000 students and pupils. Ten (10) teachers will be targeted per school to provide about 1000 teachers in all.


      This is a 5-year project currently in its third year. However, the first phase will focus on more pressing issues in the education sector for the first 3 years.


      1. Needs assessment:

      The assessment conducted at Race Course Primary School identified several gaps and challenges that are pertinent to the educational development of the students. One of the key findings was the need for sufficient learning materials such as books, bags, and uniforms for the students. The lack of these essential items constitutes a significant setback to effective learning, as students may struggle to keep up with their classes without the necessary tools. It is therefore, imperative that the government and humanitarian organizations look into providing these items to ensure that the students are adequately equipped for learning.

      Another observation made during the assessment was the dire need for the renovation of some classrooms and the provision of WASH based materials.  The needs and situation of the school provides inadequate learning conditions for the students, which adversely affects their motivation to learn. Furthermore, the lack of WASH based materials such as soap, water in toilets, and hand sanitizers poses a health hazard to the students. Addressing these challenges will go a long way in securing a better learning environment that will enhance the educational development of the students in Race Course Primary School. It was observed that the mindset of community members has made them to trivialize support or intervention. They withdraw their children at the slightest provocation and send them to hawk on the street and some register their children in multiple schools with the aim of receiving multiple education support.



      School visited: Race course primary school, Potiskum LGA, Yobe state, Northeast Nigeria



      • There are 60 teachers in the school 90% of the teachers are core educationists (NCE and B. Ed)
      • Teachers have been undergoing trainings and re-trainings by State Universal Basic Education (SUBEB).
      • The ratio of teachers to pupils is:  = Total number of students in the school 7890   = Total number of teachers 60    =Ratio= 7890/60    =131.5

      = 132:1 (one teacher to one hundred and thirty two pupils/students) approximately

      Teacher’s welfare

      • No teacher wellbeing initiatives
      • No allowance for teachers

      Students’ assessment

      •  Registered pupils in the school is 7,890
      •  Average number of pupils in each class is  50 (as stated by the pupils)
      • Total number of pupils in the school/total of pupils in each class = 7890/50= 157.8  Approx. 158
      • For each set we have 4 arms A-D   Therefore 158/4= 39.5    Approx. 40 for each class

      (Note: from observation, the number of pupils per class could be more than figures given)

      • Average number of pupils who have access to seat is 20
      • Ave. Total number of pupils with seats/total number of pupils in per class  = 20/40 = 0.5  = 0.5*100 = 50%
      • No. of pupils without seats is 20
      • Ave. Total number of pupils without seats/Total number of pupils per class = 20/40 = 0.5   = 0.5*100 = 50%
      •  Pupils that needs school materials e.g. school bags, shoes, uniform and others are up to 4000 (Estimated from pupils)

      Furniture and hardware

      • Each class has 7 desks of 3 seaters.  8 desk *3pupils.  8*3=21
      • Only 21 pupils have access to seat in a class 40 pupils.
      • No single  chair and table for teachers
      • All classes have chalkboard which a number of them are bad.

      Teaching aid

      • No teaching aid in the school
      • The school needs textbooks


      • No psychosocial support rendered to the pupils
      • There has been sensitization and awareness programs such as sanitation and hygiene
      • No skill acquisition training for pupils now but years back there was training on tailoring.
      • Extra-curricular activities takes place from time to time not frequently and there are no materials and equipment for pupils
      • Mentoring session takes place on intervals of time by the female teachers to the girls by female teachers

      Extra-curricular activities

      • Debates/quiz are done periodically
      • The school needs sporting materials like ball, Jersey, table tennis court and others
      • Extra- curricular activities takes place mostly at the end of term after exams

       Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH)

      • Wash facilities are dilapidated and needs renovation.
      • No water in the existing toilets
      • There is need for more toilets in the school for teachers and pupils
      • It was observed that most toilets are dirty due lack water
      • There is water point in the school but needs to be reticulated to the existing toilets
      •  Structures and property
      • The school needs library
      • There is need for seats in the staff room.
      • Chalkboards need to be painted
      • The school needs first-aid box.

      Based on this assessment, Race course primary and Junior secondary school is in dire need of intervention.


































      2. Education Awareness

      A session of awareness was conducted by the Education department representatives. The session aimed to encourage the students to pursue academic excellence and set high educational goals. The importance of regular attendance, active participation in classroom activities, and completing assignments was emphasized. The students were inspired through success stories shared by the representatives, showcasing individuals who achieved great success through education. Stories of prominent community members was used to encourage the students. Students across the school showed much enthusiasm and willingness to pursue academic excellence. The activity was conducted in Race Course Primary school, Potiskum LGA.

      3. Distribution of school materials (Intervention)

      Hope Interactive donated books to 125 students at Race Course Primary School. Each student received a books appropriate for their grade level, the books were given to enhance the students’ learning experience and to support parents. Hope Interactive also donated essential stationery supplies to the school to support teaching and learning. A total of 36 packs of chalk and 5 packs of pens were provided. These supplies will aid teachers in conducting effective lessons and will enable students to actively participate in classroom activities.

        4. Health Awareness

      Hope Interactive organized a highly informative and interactive health awareness program spanning four days, with a specific focus on diseases that are spreading rapidly in the BAY States. The program aimed to educate students about the causes, mode of transmission, and preventive measures for four (4) prominent diseases, namely Diphtheria, Cholera, Lassa fever, and Meningitis. Each day of the program emphasized a different disease, ensuring that participants gained a comprehensive understanding of the health risks and necessary precautions associated with each.

      Week 1: Diphtheria

      The first week of the Race Course focused on Diphtheria, a potentially life-threatening bacterial infection. Students were educated about the causes of Diphtheria, mainly its transmission through respiratory droplets or direct contact with an infected person. Preventive measures, such as vaccination and maintaining good personal hygiene, were thoroughly discussed to combat the spread of this highly contagious disease.

      Week 2: Cholera

      Cholera took center stage on the second Week of the health awareness program. Participants learned about the devastating effects of this waterborne disease and its rapid transmission through contaminated food and water. Valuable insights were shared regarding the importance of safe drinking water, proper sanitation practices, and the significance of personal hygiene to prevent the spread of Cholera.

      Week 3: Lassa Fever

      The third week of the awareness was dedicated to raising awareness about Lassa Fever. Stressing the danger posed by this viral illness, the discussion centered around how it is primarily transmitted through contact with infected rodents or consumption of contaminated food. Students were educated about the need for proper storage of food, maintaining cleanliness in living spaces, and avoiding contact with rodents to reduce the risk of Lassa Fever.

      Week 4: Meningitis

      On the final week of the program, attention shifted towards Meningitis – a disease known for its severe impact on the central nervous system. Students were enlightened about the various modes of transmission, including respiratory droplets, close contact, and crowded environments. The crucial role of vaccination and early diagnosis was emphasized, along with key preventive measures such as ensuring good personal hygiene and avoiding overcrowded locations.

      Hope Interactive’s four-day health awareness at Race Course School proved to be a resounding success in educating students about the rapidly spreading diseases in the BAY States. By discussing the causes, mode of transmission, and preventive measures for Diphtheria, Cholera, Lassa fever, and Meningitis, this program instilled valuable knowledge and empowered participants with the necessary tools to protect themselves and their communities. The organization is dedicated to continuing such initiatives, striving towards a healthier and more informed society.

         5. EiEWG state and local government coordination meetings

      These coordination meetings are held to collaborate among various organization in other to allow participants share information, updates ensuring that everyone is well-informed about developments in the sector. The meeting provide platform to address challenges, Gaps, resolved issues and proffer solutions collectively. Also partners come together to share plans and activities so as to avoids duplication making the sector operations more efficient work together effectively to achieve common goals. Amongst the areas of focus this sector is working towards is to bring coordination during interventions, avoid duplication of efforts or double counting and a collectively work towards alleviating human suffering in priority areas within the state. Hope interactive has hosted the EiE coordination meetings a couple of times and supported it in various ways.

         6. Online Campaigns

      Hope Interactive carried out mass campaign reaching over 7,000 via facebook, twitter (X) and Instagram. The campaigns focused on commemoration of international days (International day of education, Teachers day, children’s etc.) and messages geared towards creation of awareness on the need to educate children; to provide a conducive and safe learning space for children; diminishing streetism, hawking and child abuse/neglect.

         7. Hope Interactive and WFPSDI (Women for Peace and Social Development Initiative) jointly commemorated the international day of education on the 24th of January 2023 with all staff in attendance alongside a teacher and a pupil. The international theme says: “To invest in people, prioritize education”.

      The event started with a retrospective view on the transformation that has taken place in the education sector of Yobe state and the northeast in the last decade; how schools were closed down as a result of attacks on its infrastructures, teachers and students/pupils; and current interventions going on the education in emergencies (EiE) projects implemented and what we must do to ensure we are able to fully recover from the losses of the past working with stakeholders from various sectors and walks of life.

      There was a special session for goodwill messages:

      Mr. Abdulhamid Usman, a program officer working with the health and WASH depart stated that “education gives an individual the means to become who he/she wants to be, and emphasized how it opens one’s mind to new ideas”.

      Miss. Rhoda a counsellor with the programs department said “Education illuminates and offers the capacity to process and evaluate information.”.

      Ms. Ann said, “Education is a vaccine against violence” “Intelligence plus character; that is the true goal of education”.

      The Executive Director of Hope Interactive started by saying that the theme for this year’s international day of education is surgical and captivating at the same time, adding that investment is different from spending and that whatever investment we make in education can never be a waste. He went further to say that education is different from acquisition of certificates as one can have numerous certificates and still be uneducated. He mentioned in the same vein that the purpose of education is not to make us robotic or enslaved but to stretch our minds so we can discern with precision and make informed choices and decisions in life.

      He further encouraged everyone to be a voluntary ambassador of education by encouraging community members to send their children to school especially girls, as education is an indelible and irrevocable gift to our children and young people. He also outlined what the REYS (Revamping Education in Yobe State) consortium is doing to support education through promoting inclusive, safe and quality education for vulnerable children with dignity.

      He drew the attention of the participants/stakeholders to the fact that education is a non-negotiable necessity for children and young persons to transform into frontline drivers of change and innovation in the future

      The invited teacher Mrs. Alice Ibrahim and Destiny Caleb were presented with gifts by the Executive Director, who encouraged her to continue with the great job of impacting children; the pupil was also encouraged persevere in his academic pursuit. This was followed by group photographs and appreciation by the teacher and pupil.

      Closing remarks was made by Mr. Andrew who gave thanks to God Almighty for making such activity possible and appreciated the Executive Director for his unrelenting effort towards education.


      Yobe EiEWG Monthly coordination meeting held at Save the Children International office.

      Damaturu LGA EiEWG Monthly coordination meeting held NEYIF

      Miss Ann John of Hope interactive with pupils after the awareness session.

      Distribution of educational materials to pupils by Barr. Mercy Kwoseh

      Presentation of Teaching Materials to Race Course primary School Potiskum

                                          Group Photograph with primary 6 pupils; Holding IEC materials

      Commemoration of international teachers day


      *Women For Peace and Social development (WFPSDI).

      *Yobe State Ministry of Education.

      *Yobe State Universal Basic Education Board (YOSUBEB).

      *Local education authourity (LEA).

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