Locate Us No.261, Jerusalem, Yobe State
Hope Interactive is a broad based Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) that has been in existence since 2001. It is an award winning organization popularly known with the acronym (HI) and works primarily at national level and undertake grass root community work in the following areas
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    God bestowed on man the capacity to help the living beings. It is not only our capability but it is our responsibility too. Helping others is the best of the human Dharma. If one bird gets trapped, many birds flock around it and attract the attention of others so that the trapped bird may be released and saved.
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      Working Hours : Sun-monday, 09am-5pm
      Copyright © 2023. All Rights Reserved.



      Hope Interactive has been at the forefront of community empowerment since its inception in 2001. It strives to identify local initiatives and catalyze them. The organization has developed a multifaceted approach to uplift communities by focusing on peace building, education, healthcare; youth and women development, community development and a host of others.

      2022 – Global peace and Humanitarian award

      2022 – Gold image Humanitarian service

      2021 – Prominds Peace Award

      What We Do

      Hope Interactive

      Hope Interactive has been at the forefront of community empowerment since its inception in 2001. It strives to identify local initiatives and catalyze them. The organization has developed a multifaceted approach to uplift communities by focusing on peace building, education, healthcare; youth and women development, community development and a host of others.

      • HEALTH
      • SDG
      Explore Our Awards

      Let’s Explore Our
      Awards Together

      2019 – Livia International Peace Award by LIVIA Foundation in Denmark

      2021 – Prominds Peace Award

      2022 – Gold image Humanitarian service

      2022 – Global peace and Humanitarian award

      Hope Interactive

      Know What Do To
      For Our Environment !

      Hope Interactive has been at the forefront of community empowerment since its inception in 2001.

      Through networking (Youth peace platforms YPP & Women for peace community association and women peace hub), capacity building; women and youth led peace learning exchange; provision of Psychosocial support to at risk youth; mentor-mentee interactive session; sensitization using radio programs; sports; community outreaches and sanitation; peace education; reconciliation and reintegration of youth in conflict with their parents; reintegration of ex-combatants and people associated with the conflict,
      The health and WASH department of Hope Interactive have worked within communities in the north east ranging from provision of essential drugs, construction of emergency toilets, basic disease surveillance; sensitization on malaria, cholera and monkey pox; hygiene promotion and promotion of accountability in health facilities through community led monitoring.
      Vocational training programs have been designed to equip youth and women with skills that enhance their employability and foster economic independence. VSLA and OVC program and capacity building in micro-business skills Infrastructure development, such as the construction of drainages, construction of incinerators, meeting centers; business centers, installation of borehole pumps, has further strengthened the social fabric of these communities. In times of crisis, the organization has been quick to respond with disaster relief efforts, providing immediate assistance and long-term rehabilitation support. Other prominent areas include governance and leadership; agricultural extension and development.
      Hope Interactive is guided by the sphere project handbook in implementing its SGD goals. The sphere project hand book is a humanitarian charter, which spells out the core and minimum standards for humanitarian response and a set of protection principles. We also employ its two basic approaches: Rights based approach and beneficiary centered approach. We are also guided by the protection principles which require that we do no further harm; target the most vulnerable and ensure that communities recover in stable conditions.