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Hope Interactive is a broad based Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) that has been in existence since 2001. It is an award winning organization popularly known with the acronym (HI) and works primarily at national level and undertake grass root community work in the following areas
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    God bestowed on man the capacity to help the living beings. It is not only our capability but it is our responsibility too. Helping others is the best of the human Dharma. If one bird gets trapped, many birds flock around it and attract the attention of others so that the trapped bird may be released and saved.
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      Rythms of Hope

      A publication of Protection and Legal Department of Hope Interactive




      Child protection is the safeguarding of children from violence, exploitation, abuse and negligence. It involves identifying signs of potential harm, responding to allegation or suspicions of abuse, providing support and services to protect children and holding those who have harmed them accountable. Violence against children occurs in homes, families, schools, communities and other places where children should feel safe but, in our society today these places are where children face all forms of abuse the most. Abuse in all its forms is a daily reality for many Nigerian children and only a fraction ever receive help. Violence against children is rooted in social norms which includes the use of violent discipline where a child is injured from beating and gets harmed from punishment which is inhumane, some call it correction but, in real sense it is abuse born from wickedness. Daily necessity of life which should be given to a child as his/her rights, a child is deprived of such as feeding, clothing, education, shelter etc. some children most especially the girl child is abused to an extent where she has to be a sacrificial lamb for the family where she is subjected to early marriage which to some families it is a form of exchange for money or favor. However, child protection is one of the services the protection department provides, they ensure preventive measures and response intervention for children who are victims of or at risk from violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation is accessed through strengthened child protection systems. HI/WFPSDI through the protection department synergized with key state ministries and other partners to ensure that children facing protection risks receive integrated case management and referral to specialized services. A case of a woman who was neglected by her husband was handled by the team, the woman has a one-year-old child being breastfed while still pregnant with another child, during the eight months of the pregnancy; she has never attended antenatal, nor take routine drugs that is meant to ensure she has a healthy pregnancy. These has caused a huge complication to the fetus that was later born with spina bifida as a result of negligence by the parent, HI/WFPSDI has supported this mother and child by providing some funds to help them buy some drugs while on admission and went further to refer the case to human right commission for further action. Furthermore, a case of rape involving a community borehole caretaker and a 16-year-old girl was reported to the HI/WFPSDI Victims Help Center (VHC) and the case was handled swiftly where the ‘C’ divisional police headquarters. within Damaturu town was called upon and they swung into action and arrested and ensured that the perpetrator was prosecuted and taken to custody while the girl was given immediate medical attention luckily there was no penetration but as a warning, WFPSDI in collaboration with SIJ-WAC pursued the case to ensure that  the perpetrator was dealt with, he was in custody and the court issued that he should be reprimanded for two weeks before he was released, the community head was notified to not hesitate to report such cases or any form of abuse perpetrated on children within the community irrespective of who is involved. The community women were also sensitized on the VAAP law that was signed by Yobe State governor to ensure safety for children and vulnerable persons across the state.



      GGBV stands for Gender-Based Violence. It refers to any harmful act that is perpetrated against an individual based on their gender, which disproportionately affects women and girls. GBV is rooted in gender inequality and encompasses a wide range of abusive behaviors that can result in physical, sexual, emotional, or economic harm. The protection department of HI/WFP-SDI has engaged and trained women groups to identify and improve the quality of GBV services within their communities. Women’s groups in their communities have made significant strides in addressing GBV by raising awareness, providing support, advocating for policy changes, engaging the community, building capacity, and fostering collaborations. Their efforts have contributed to the prevention of GBV, the support of survivors, and the promotion of gender equality. Women groups in Damaturu/Postiskum LGA through capacity building on GBV/leadership training women were able to testified the reduction of domestic violence and unguided street hawking in their communities which was as a result of supporting the family with  loan from the monthly contribution (women community savings and loans) organized by the women groups, this initiative has helped women upset family needs, while others have established businesses which have reduced over dependency on men and in turn reducing in domestic violence.



      Ra’ayin mata (Women’s voices) in collaboration with the Protection and legal department jointly commemorated on 16days of activism in Damaturu and Potiskum LGAs.

      DAMATURU: The activity conducted was mentorship and accompaniment with a monetary support to women groups in collaboration with the protection team to commemorate the international day for the elimination of violence against women- 16 days of activism and international human rights day. It also aimed to train the Women groups on the concept of Gender Based Violence, which is on the rise in the communities, strengthening women’s ability on how to invest to prevent violence against Women and Girls and build their capacity to earn money and support their households by providing monetary Support for women to set up a small scale business in order to be self-reliant. This training will make women to know their duties, significance in the community as well as the roles they can play being role models and change makers.

      POTISKUM: In commemorating with the 16days of activism the Sustainable Development Growth (SDG) department of Hope Interactive in collaboration with the Protection Department supported some Women with grains and provided a Sensitization on how to report Gender Based Violence Cases.                                                 

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